1. Health System Strengthening- Established EUROCITYHOSPITAL KISUMU

a.Strengthening demand creation, Community MobilizationandSupport
b.Empowerment of the community to consume health servicesthrough creation of NHIF awareness, recruitment and payment
support of the monthly premium
c. Procurement and provision prescribed medication at householdsd
Establishment of community hospital for outpatient and inpatient
healthcare services for the vulnerable, children, and the elderly(Eurocity Hospital Kisumu)
g. Facilitation of skilled skilled deliveries and provisionof“ mama pack and facilitation of transport to facilities
h. Provision of safer zones for the GBV survivors
i. Promoting child immunization through linkage and facilitationof transport facilities. j. Promoting HIV/TB defaulter tracing by funding trips and
compensating the mothers for complete adherencek. Facilitating Viral Load/DBS sample collection, transit for testingand result dissemination
l. Promoting provision of clean water by buying water tanks, andsinking boreholes for communities and school and churches andmarkets
m. Promoting sanitation and hygiene programs incommunities, communities, schools, churches, and markets by constructinglatrines, hand-washing taps and provision of sanitary towelsinschools. n Procurement of school uniforms, fees, for education


a. Sponsored Certified Nursing Assistant Training programfor thevulnerable and adolescents and young boys and girls who have lost hope in education because of low performance in KCSEb Training of Community Health Promoters
c. Training and awareness creation on use of safe drinking water. dTraining of the community on climate sustainability
e.Training of farmers on Climate Smart Agriculture

3.Research and Development

a. Public health research; Publication done on Health systemManagement, postpartum haemorrhage, Socio-determinants ofdisease occurrence maternal complications
b. Clinical research on infectious diseases: or capacity buildingof CHMT, SCHMT, HMT. Work done co-infectionof HIVand Sickle Cell-condition

4. Food Security and Orphanage program-Climate SmartAgriculture

A 16 ha piece of farm used to grow: Maize, Sorghum, Beans, andGroundnuts,
Kisumu County Hospital as the control and RachuonyoSouthCounty Hospital and the case. At Harvest, food is shared to boost the immunity and avoidfoodrelated/malnutrition childhood diseases

Applications are on going

click the link for more

Certified Nursing Assistant Program.

Intake: January, March, May, July, September. KCSE D plain and above. 60% Scholarship available.

APPLY NOW, email: and send Ksh 1,000 application fee via Buy Goods Till 9038099.

Further info call: 0739 823 638